
VIS3D Technology

Technology Technology Active

3-dimensional scene analysis technology based on ANPR or overview camera data. The initial stage involves automatic scene calibration, which consists of determining the camera’s internal parameters (e.g., zoom) and external parameters (positioning in space). Calibration is performed by analyzing a series of detected license plates in the case of ANPR cameras, or a series of detected vehicles (VTRACK) in the case of overview cameras. After the calibration process, the technology enables: vehicle speed measurement, classification of vehicle types (passenger car, van, delivery truck, heavy-duty truck, tractor-trailer, bus, motorcycle, bicycle), and determination of the vehicle’s position in 3D-space in the case of OV camera.

  • NeuroCar
  • Technology
  • VIS3D Technology
  • Version 1.0.0
  • 2021-01-01
  • ncar-tech-vis3d-01
Vehicle Identification
card image
ANPR Camera 4
card image