Warsaw, Poland, 2025-02-24
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New speed cameras on Polish roads

In February this year CANARD signed a contract for the supply and installation of 70 new TraffiStar SR390 speed recording devices. The devices will be supplied by Lifor Sp. z o.o., and installation will take 50 weeks. As part of the contract, NeuroCar will provide integrating devices to ensure secure communication and automatic analysis of images to identify the offender.

Warsaw, Poland, 2024-10-14
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Summary of the 16th edition of Polish ITS Congress

On October 7-8, 2024, Neurosoft participated in the 16th Polish Congress of Intelligent Transportation Systems, which took place in Warsaw. Neurosoft was a silver sponsor of the event. The ITS Congress responds to the challenges of the ICT market in transportation, which is changing as a result of new technical and social expectations and challenges related to its legal environment.

Warsaw, Poland, 2024-09-30
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XVI Polish ITS Congress

The 16th edition of the Polish Congress of Intelligent Transportation Systems – the largest national industry event dedicated to transportation systems – will be held in Warsaw on October 7-8, 2024. The event, organized by the ITS Poland association, brings together both manufacturers and suppliers of ITS systems and recipients – central administration and local government units.


Vehicle Counting
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Vehicle Identification
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Access Control
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Restricted Area
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Traffic Monitoring
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Spots Parking
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Indoor Parking
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Trucks Parking
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Block Parking
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Spot Speed Control
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Section Speed Control
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Red Light Control
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Red Light Railway
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Pedestrian Crossing
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Incident Detection
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Railway Crossing
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