
PARK Technology

Technology Technology Active

PARK technology is used to determine occupancy for parking lots. Based on data from sensors (e.g., cameras, magnetic field sensors, inductive loops, lidar), using statistical models and machine learning, the technology allows to determine the number of available parking places in a given area. Such data is transmitted via APIs to host systems (e.g., mobile applications or parking information signs). Unique features of PARK technology, developed by Neurosoft, include the ability to fuse data from different types of sensors into a single, consistent information about the state of a parking lot, the ability to compensate for errors of individual sensors, and the ability to predict the number of free parking spaces in the future – based on past data. As a result, the user receives reliable information about the status of the parking lot in real time.

  • NeuroCar
  • Technology
  • PARK Technology
  • Version 2.0.0
  • 2022-07-15
  • pro-ncar-tech-park-02
Spots Parking
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Block Parking
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